Source code for polychrom.contactmaps

Building contact maps

This module is the main workhorse of tools to calculate contactmaps, both from polymer simulations and from other
simulations (e.g. 1D simulations of loop extrusion). All of the functions here are designed to be parallelized,
and lots of efforts were put into making this possible.

The reasons we need parallel contactmap code is the following:

* Calculating contact maps is slow, esp. at large contact radii, and benefits greatly
  from parallelizing
* Doing regular has limitations
* It can only handle heataps up to some size, and transferring gigabyte-sized heatmaps between processes takes minutes
* It can only do as many heatmaps as fits in RAM, which on 20-core 128GB machine is no more than 5GB/heatmap

The structure of this class is as follows.

On the outer level, it  provides three methods to average contactmaps:

* :func:`monomerResolutionContactMap`
* :func:`binnedContactMap`,
* :func:`monomerResolutionContactMapSubchains`.

The first two create contact map from an entire file: either monomer-resolution or binned. The last one creates
contact maps from sub-chains in a file, starting at a given set of starting points. It is useful when doing contact
maps from several copies of a system in one simulation.

The first two methods have a legacy implementation from the old library that is still here to do the tests.

On the middle level, it provides a method "averageContacts". This method accepts a "contact iterator", and can be
used to average contacts from both a set of filenames and from a simulation of some kind (e.g. averaging positions of
loop extruding factors from a 1D loop extrusion simulation). All of the outer level functions (
monomerResolutionContactMap for example) are implemented using this method.

On the lower level, there are internals of the "averageContacts" method and an associated "worker" function. There is
generally no need to understand the code of those functions. There exists a reference implementation of both the
worker and the :func:`averageContacts` function,  :class:`simpleWorker` and :func:`averageContactsSimple`. They do
all the things that "averageContacts" do, but on only one core. In fact, "averageContacts" defaults to
"averageContactsSimple" if requested to run on one core because it is a little bit faster.


import ctypes
import multiprocessing as mp
import random
import warnings
from contextlib import closing

import numpy as np

from . import polymer_analyses, polymerutils

[docs]def indexing(smaller, larger, M): """converts x-y indexes to index in the upper triangular matrix""" return larger + smaller * (M - 1) - smaller * (smaller - 1) // 2
[docs]def triagToNormal(triag, M): """Convert triangular matrix to a regular matrix""" ar = np.arange(M) mask = ar[:, None] <= ar[None, :] x, y = np.nonzero(mask) new = np.zeros((M, M), dtype=triag.dtype) new[x, y] = triag return new + new.T
[docs]def tonumpyarray(mp_arr): "Converts mp.array to numpy array" return np.frombuffer(mp_arr.get_obj(), dtype=np.int32) # .reshape((N,N))
[docs]def findN(filenames, loadFunction, exceptions): "Finds length of data in filenames, handling the fact that files could be not loadable" for i in range(30): if i == 29: raise ValueError("Could not load any of the 30 randomly selected files") try: N = len(loadFunction(random.choice(filenames))) break except tuple(exceptions): continue return N
[docs]def init(*args): """ Initializes global arguments for the worker """ global sharedArrays__ global contactIterator__ global contactBlock__ global N__ global classInitArgs__ global classInitKwargs__ global contactProcessing__ contactProcessing__ = args[-6] classInitKwargs__ = args[-4] classInitArgs__ = args[-5] sharedArrays__ = args[:-6] contactIterator__ = args[-3] contactBlock__ = args[-2] N__ = args[-1]
[docs]def chunk(mylist, chunksize): """ Args: mylist: array chunksize: int Returns: list of chunks of an array len chunksize (last chunk is less) """ N = len(mylist) chunks = list(range(0, N, chunksize)) + [N] return [mylist[i:j] for i, j in zip(chunks[:-1], chunks[1:])]
[docs]def simple_worker(x, uniqueContacts): """ A "reference" version of "worker" function below that runs on only one core. Unlike the actual multicore worker, it can write contacts to the matrix directly without sorting. This is useful when your contact finding is faster than sorting a 1D array fo contacts If uniqueContacts True, assume that contactFinder outputs only unique contacts ( like pure contact map) if False, do not assume that (like in binned contact map). Using False is always safe, but True will add a minor speed up, especially for very large contact radius. """ my_iterator = contactIterator__(x, *classInitArgs__, **classInitKwargs__) while True: try: contacts = if contacts is None: continue contacts = np.asarray(contacts) assert len(contacts.shape) == 2 if contacts.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError("Contacts.shape[1] must be 2. Exiting.") contacts = contactProcessing__(contacts) ctrue = indexing(contacts[:, 0], contacts[:, 1], N__) if not uniqueContacts: position, counts = np.unique(ctrue, return_counts=True) sharedArrays__[0][position] += counts else: sharedArrays__[0][ctrue] += 1 except StopIteration: return
[docs]def averageContactsSimple(contactIterator, inValues, N, **kwargs): """ This is a reference one-core implementation Args: contactIterator: an iterator. See descriptions of "filenameContactMap" class below for example and explanations inValues: an array of values to pass to contactIterator. Would be an array of arrays of filenames etc. N: Size of the resulting contactmap **kwargs: arrayDtype: ctypes dtype (default c_int32) for the contact map classInitArgs: args to pass to the constructor of contact iterator as second+ args (first is the file list) classInitKwargs: dict of keyword args to pass to the coonstructor uniqueContacts: whether contact iterator outputs unique contacts (true) or contacts can be duplicate (False) contactProcessing: function f(contacts), should return processed contacts Returns: contactmap """ arrayDtype = kwargs.get("arrayDtype", ctypes.c_int32) contactBlock = 0 classInitArgs = kwargs.get("classInitArgs", []) classInitKwargs = kwargs.get("classInitKwargs", {}) uniqueContacts = kwargs.get("uniqueContacts", False) contactProcessing = kwargs.get("contactProcessing", lambda x: x) finalSize = N * (N + 1) // 2 sharedArrays = [np.zeros(finalSize, dtype=arrayDtype)] # just an array, not a shared array here bc 1 core argset = list(sharedArrays) + [ contactProcessing, classInitArgs, classInitKwargs, contactIterator, contactBlock, N, ] init(*argset) [simple_worker(x, uniqueContacts) for x in inValues] # just calling workers final = triagToNormal(sharedArrays[0], N) return final
[docs]def worker(x): """This is a parallel implementation of the worker using shared memory buckets This worker is being called by the averageContact method It receives contacts from the contactIterator by calling .next() And puts contacts into the shared memory buckets All the locks etc. for shared memory objects are handeled here as well """ import numpy as np np.random.seed() import random random.seed() # making sure our bucket selectors are really randomized sharedNumpy = list(map(tonumpyarray, sharedArrays__)) # shared numpy arrays allContacts = [] contactSum = 0 myIterator = contactIterator__(x, *classInitArgs__, **classInitKwargs__) # acquiring and initializing iterator stopped = False while True: # main event loop try: contacts = # fetch contacts if contacts is None: continue contacts = np.asarray(contacts) assert len(contacts.shape) == 2 if contacts.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError("Contacts.shape[1] must be 2. Exiting.") contactSum += contacts.shape[0] allContacts.append(contacts) except StopIteration: stopped = True if (contactSum > contactBlock__) or stopped: # we aggregated enough contacts. ready to dump them. if len(allContacts) == 0: return # no contacts found at all - exiting (we must be stopped) contactSum = 0 contacts = np.concatenate(allContacts, axis=0) contacts = contactProcessing__(contacts) if len(contacts) == 0: if stopped: # contactProcessing killed all contacts? are we done? return # if yes, exiting continue # if not, going to the next bucket ctrue = indexing(contacts[:, 0], contacts[:, 1], N__) # converting to 1D contacts position, counts = np.unique(ctrue, return_counts=True) # unique contacts assert position[0] >= 0 assert position[-1] < N__ * (N__ + 1) // 2 # boundary check for contacts chunks = np.array(np.r_[0, np.cumsum(list(map(len, sharedArrays__)))], dtype=int) inds = np.searchsorted(position, chunks) # assinging contacts to chunks here if inds[-1] != len(position): raise ValueError # last chunks boundary must be after all contacts) indszip = list(zip(inds[:-1], inds[1:])) # extents of contact buckets indarray = list(range(len(sharedArrays__))) random.shuffle(indarray) # shuffled array of contactmap bucket indices we are going to work with for j, (st, end) in enumerate(indszip): position[st:end] -= chunks[j] # pre-subtracting offsets now - not to do it when the lock is being held while len(indarray) > 0: # continue until all contacts are put in buckets for i in range(len(indarray)): # going over all buckets ind = indarray[i] # select current bucket lock = sharedArrays__[ind].get_lock() # get lock state if i == len(indarray): # is this the last bucket? lock.acquire() # wait for it to be free, and work with it else: if not lock.acquire(0): # not the last bucket? Try to acquire the lock continue # if failed, move to the next bucket st, end = indszip[ind] # succeeded acquiring the lock? Then do things with our bucket sharedNumpy[ind][position[st:end]] += counts[st:end] # add to the current bucket lock.release() indarray.pop(i) # remove the index of the bucket because it's finished break # back to the main loop allContacts = [] if stopped: return
[docs]def averageContacts(contactIterator, inValues, N, **kwargs): """ A main workhorse for averaging contacts on multiple cores into one shared contact map. It mostly does managing the arguments, and initializing the variables. All of the logic of how contacts are actually put in shared memory buckets is in the worker defined above. PARAMETERS ---------- contactIterator : iterator an iterator. See descriptions of "filenameContactMap" class below for example and explanations inValues : iterable an array of values to pass to contactIterator. Would be an array of arrays of filenames or something like that. N : int Size of one side of the resulting contactmap arrayDtype : ctypes dtype (default c_int32) for the contact map classInitArgs : args to pass to the constructor of contact iterator classInitKwargs: dict of keyword args to pass to the constructor contactProcessing: function f(contacts), should return processed contacts nproc : int, number of processors(default 4) bucketNum: int (default = nproc) Number of memory buckets to use contactBlock: int (default 500k) Number of contacts to aggregate before writing useFmap : True, False, or callable If True, uses mirnylib.systemutils.fmap If False, uses Otherwise, uses provided function, assuming it of a fork-map type (different initializations are needed for forkmap and multiprocessing-style map) Sorry, no outside multiprocessing-style maps for now, it's easy to fix Let me know if it is needed. Code that calcualtes a contactmap from a set of polymer conformation is in the methods below (averageMonomerResolutionContactMap, etc.) An example code that would run a contactmap from a simulation is below: ..code-block:: python class simContactMap(object): "contactmap 'finder' for a simulation" def __init__(self, ind): # accept a parameter (e.g. random number generator seed) self.model = initModel(ind) # pass parameter to the functon that returns me a model object self.count = 10000000 # how many times to run a step of the model self.model.steps(10000) # initial steps of the model to equilibrate it def next(self): # actual realization of the method if self.count == 0: # terminate the simulation if we did self.count iterations raise StopIteration self.count -= 1 #decrement the counter self.model.steps(30) # advance model by 30 steps return np.array(self.model.getSMCs()).T # return current LEF positions mymap = polychrom.contactmaps.averageContacts(simContactMap, range(20), 30000, nproc=20 ) """ arrayDtype = kwargs.get("arrayDtype", ctypes.c_int32) nproc = min(kwargs.get("nproc", 4), len(inValues)) bucketNum = kwargs.get("bucketNum", nproc) if nproc == 1: return averageContactsSimple(contactIterator, inValues, N, **kwargs) contactBlock = kwargs.get("contactBlock", 5000000) classInitArgs = kwargs.get("classInitArgs", []) classInitKwargs = kwargs.get("classInitKwargs", {}) contactProcessing = kwargs.get("contactProcessing", lambda x: x) finalSize = N * (N + 1) // 2 boundaries = np.linspace(0, finalSize, bucketNum + 1, dtype=int) chunks = zip(boundaries[:-1], boundaries[1:]) sharedArrays = [mp.Array(arrayDtype, int(j - i)) for i, j in chunks] argset = list(sharedArrays) + [ contactProcessing, classInitArgs, classInitKwargs, contactIterator, contactBlock, N, ] with closing(mp.Pool(processes=nproc, initializer=init, initargs=argset)) as p:, inValues) res = np.concatenate([tonumpyarray(i) for i in sharedArrays]) del sharedArrays # save memory final = triagToNormal(res, N) return final
[docs]class filenameContactMap(object): """ This is the iterator for the contact map finder """
[docs] def __init__( self, filenames, cutoff=1.7, loadFunction=None, exceptionsToIgnore=[], contactFunction=None, ): """ Init accepts arguments to initialize the iterator. filenames will be one of the items in the inValues list of the "averageContacts" function cutoff and loadFunction should be provided either in classInitArgs or classInitKwargs of averageContacts When initialized, the iterator should store these args properly and create all necessary constructs """ self.filenames = filenames self.cutoff = cutoff self.exceptionsToIgnore = exceptionsToIgnore self.contactFunction = contactFunction self.loadFunction = loadFunction self.i = 0
[docs] def next(self): """ This is the method which gets called by the worker asking for contacts. This method should return new set of contacts each time it is called When there are no more contacts to return (all filenames are gone, or simulation is over), then this method should raise StopIteration """ if self.i == len(self.filenames): raise StopIteration try: data = self.loadFunction(self.filenames[self.i]) except tuple(self.exceptionsToIgnore): print("contactmap manager could not load file", self.filenames[self.i]) self.i += 1 return None contacts = self.contactFunction(data, cutoff=self.cutoff) self.i += 1 return contacts
[docs]def monomerResolutionContactMap( filenames, cutoff=5, n=8, # Num threads contactFinder=polymer_analyses.calculate_contacts, loadFunction=polymerutils.load, exceptionsToIgnore=[], useFmap=False, ): N = findN(filenames, loadFunction, exceptionsToIgnore) args = [cutoff, loadFunction, exceptionsToIgnore, contactFinder] values = [filenames[i::n] for i in range(n)] return averageContacts( filenameContactMap, values, N, classInitArgs=args, useFmap=useFmap, uniqueContacts=True, nproc=n, )
[docs]def binnedContactMap( filenames, chains=None, binSize=5, cutoff=5, n=8, # Num threads contactFinder=polymer_analyses.calculate_contacts, loadFunction=polymerutils.load, exceptionsToIgnore=None, useFmap=False, ): n = min(n, len(filenames)) N = findN(filenames, loadFunction, exceptionsToIgnore) if chains is None: chains = [[0, N]] bins = [] chains = np.asarray(chains) chainBinNums = np.ceil((chains[:, 1] - chains[:, 0]) / (0.0 + binSize)) for i in range(len(chainBinNums)): bins.append(binSize * (np.arange(int(chainBinNums[i]))) + chains[i, 0]) bins.append(np.array([chains[-1, 1] + 1])) bins = np.concatenate(bins) - 0.5 Nbase = len(bins) - 1 if Nbase > 25000: warnings.warn(UserWarning("very large contact map" " may be difficult to visualize")) chromosomeStarts = np.cumsum(chainBinNums) chromosomeStarts = np.hstack((0, chromosomeStarts)) def contactAction(contacts, myBins=[bins]): contacts = np.asarray(contacts, order="C") cshape = contacts.shape contacts.shape = (-1,) contacts = np.searchsorted(myBins[0], contacts) - 1 contacts.shape = cshape return contacts args = [cutoff, loadFunction, exceptionsToIgnore, contactFinder] values = [filenames[i::n] for i in range(n)] mymap = averageContacts( filenameContactMap, values, Nbase, classInitArgs=args, useFmap=useFmap, contactProcessing=contactAction, nproc=n, ) return mymap, chromosomeStarts
[docs]class filenameContactMapRepeat(object): """ This is a interator for the repeated contact map finder """
[docs] def __init__( self, filenames, mapStarts, mapN, cutoff=1.7, loadFunction=None, exceptionsToIgnore=[], contactFunction=None, ): """ Init accepts arguments to initialize the iterator. filenames will be one of the items in the inValues list of the "averageContacts" function cutoff and loadFunction should be provided either in classInitArgs or classInitKwargs of averageContacts When initialized, the iterator should store these args properly and create all necessary constructs """ self.filenames = filenames self.cutoff = cutoff self.exceptionsToIgnore = exceptionsToIgnore self.mapStarts = mapStarts self.mapN = mapN self.contactFunction = contactFunction self.loadFunction = loadFunction self.i = 0 self.curStarts = []
[docs] def next(self): """ This is the method which gets called by the worker asking for contacts. This method should return new set of contacts each time it is called When there are no more contacts to return (all filenames are gone, or simulation is over), then this method should raise StopIteration """ try: if len(self.curStarts) == 0: if self.i == len(self.filenames): raise StopIteration = self.loadFunction(self.filenames[self.i]) self.curStarts = list(self.mapStarts) self.i += 1 start = self.curStarts.pop() data =[start : start + self.mapN] assert len(data) == self.mapN except tuple(self.exceptionsToIgnore): print("contactmap manager could not load file", self.filenames[self.i]) self.i += 1 return None contacts = self.contactFunction(data, cutoff=self.cutoff) return contacts
[docs]def monomerResolutionContactMapSubchains( filenames, mapStarts, mapN, cutoff=5, n=8, # Num threads method=polymer_analyses.calculate_contacts, loadFunction=polymerutils.load, exceptionsToIgnore=[], useFmap=False, ): args = [mapStarts, mapN, cutoff, loadFunction, exceptionsToIgnore, method] values = [filenames[i::n] for i in range(n)] return averageContacts( filenameContactMapRepeat, values, mapN, classInitArgs=args, useFmap=useFmap, uniqueContacts=True, nproc=n, )