Source code for polychrom.hdf5_format

New-style HDF5 trajectories

The purpose of the HDF5 reporter

There are several reasons for migrating to the new HDF5 storage format:

* Saving each conformation as individual file is producing too many files
* Using pickle-based approaches (joblib) makes format python-specific and not backwards compatible; text is clumsy
* Would be nice to save metadata, such as starting conformation, forces, or initial parameters.
* Compression can be benefitial for rounded conformations: can reduce file size by up to 40%

one file vs  many files  vs  several files

Saving each conformation as an individual file is undesirable because it will produce too many files: filesystem
check or backup on 30,000,000 files takes hours/days.

Saving all trajectory as a single files is undesirable because 1. backup software will back up a new copy of the file
every day as it grows; and 2. if the last write fails, the file will end up in the corrupted state and would need to
be recovered.

Solution is: save groups of conformations as individual files. E.g. save conformations 1-50 as one file,
conformations 51-100 as a second file etc.

This way, we are not risking to lose anything if the power goes out at the end. This way, we are not screwing with
backup solutions. This way, we have partial trajectories that can be analyzed. Although partial trajectories are not
realtime, @golobor was proposing a solution to it for debug/development.

Polychrom storage format

We chose the HDF5-based storage that roughly mimics the MDTraj HDF5 format. It does not have MDTraj topology because
it seemed a little too complicated. However, full MDTraj compatibility may be added in the future

Separation of simulation and repoter

Polychrom separates two entities: a simulation object and a reporter. When a simulation object is initialized,
a reporter (actually, a list of reporters in case you want to use several) is passed to the simulation object.
Simulation object would attempt to save several things: __init__ arguments, starting conformation,
energy minimization results, serialized forces, and blocks of conformations together with time, Ek, Ep.

Each time a simulation object wants to save something, it calls for each of the reporters. It
passes a string indicating what is being reported, and a dictionary to save. Reporter will have to interpret this and
save the data. Reporter is also keeping appropriate counts. Users can pass a dict with extra variables to
:py:func:`polychrom.simulation.Simulation.do_block` as ``save_extras`` paramater. This dict will be saved by the

.. note::
    Generic Python objects are not supported by HDF5 reporter. Data has to be HDF5-compatible, meaning an array
    of numbers/strings, or a number/string.

The HDF5 reporter used here saves everything into an HDF5 file. For anything except the conformations,
it would immmediately save the data into a single HDF5 file: numpy array compatible structures would be saved as
datasets, and regular types (strings, numbers) would be saved as attributes. For conformations, it would wait until a
certain number of conformations is received. It will then save them all at once into an HDF5 file under groups /1,
/2, /3... /50 for blocks 1,2,3...50 respectively, and save them to `blocks_1-50.h5` file

Multi-stage simulations or loop extrusion

We frequently have simulations in which a simulation object changes. One example would be changing forces or
parameters throughout the simulation. Another example would be loop extrusion simulations.

In this design, a reporter object can be reused and passed to a new simulation. This would keep counter of
conformations, and also save applied forces etc. again. The reporter would create a file "applied_forces_0.h5" the
first time it receives forces, and "applied_forces_1.h5" the second time it receives forces from a simulation.
Setting `reporter.blocks_only=True` would stop the reporter from saving anything but blocks, which may be helpful for
making loop extrusion conformations. This is currently implemented in the examples

URIs to identify individual conformations

Because we're saving several conformations into one file, we designed an URI format to quickly fetch a conformation
by a unique identifyer.

URIs are like that: `/path/to/the/trajectory/blocks_1-50.h5::42`

This URI will fetch block #42 from a file blocks_1-50.h5, which contains blocks 1 through 50 including 1 and 50
:py:func:`polychrom.polymerutils.load` function is compatible with URIs Also, to make it easy to load both old-style
filenames and new-style URIs, there is a function :py:func:`polychrom.polymerutils.fetch_block`. fetch_block will
autodetermine the type of a trajectory folder. So it will fetch both `/path/to/the/trajectory/block42.dat` and
`/path/to/the/trajectory/blocks_x-y.h5::42` automatically

import glob
import os
import warnings

import h5py
import numpy as np

DEFAULT_OPTS = {"compression_opts": 9, "compression": "gzip"}

def _read_h5_group(gr):
    Reads all attributes of an HDF5 group, and returns a dict of them
    result = {i: j[:] for i, j in gr.items()}
    for i, j in gr.attrs.items():
        result[i] = j
    return result

def _convert_to_hdf5_array(data):
    Attempts to convert data to HDF5 compatible array
    or to an HDF5 attribute compatible entity (str, number)

    Does its best at determining if this is a "normal"
    object (str, int, float), or an array.

    Right now, if something got converted to a numpy object,
    it is discarded and not saved in any way.
    We could think about pickling those cases, or JSONing them...
    if type(data) == str:
        data = np.array(data, dtype="S")
    data = np.array(data)

    if data.dtype == np.dtype("O"):
        return None, None

    if len(data.shape) == 0:
        return "item", data.item()
        return "ndarray", data

def _write_group(dataDict, group, dset_opts=None):
    Writes a dictionary of elements to an HDF5 group
    Puts all "items" into attrs, and all ndarrays into datasets

    dset_opts is a dictionary of arguments passed to create_dataset function
    (compression would be here for example). By default set to DEFAULT_OPTS
    if dset_opts is None:
        dset_opts = DEFAULT_OPTS
    for name, data in dataDict.items():
        datatype, converted = _convert_to_hdf5_array(data)
        if datatype is None:
            warnings.warn(f"Could not convert record {name}")
        elif datatype == "item":
            group.attrs[name] = data
        elif datatype == "ndarray":
            group.create_dataset(name, data=data, **dset_opts)
            raise ValueError("Unknown datatype")

[docs]def list_URIs(folder, empty_error=True, read_error=True, return_dict=False): """ Makes a list of URIs (path-like records for each block). for a trajectory folder Now we store multiple blocks per file, and URI is a Universal Resource Identifier for a block. It is be compatible with polymerutils.load, and with contactmap finders, and is generally treated like a filename. This function checks that the HDF5 file is openable (if read_error==True), but does not check if individual datasets (blocks) exist in a file. If read_error==False, a non-openable file is fully ignored. NOTE: This covers the most typical case of corruption due to a terminated write, because an HDF5 file becomes invalid in that case. It does not check continuity of blocks (blocks_1-10.h5; blocks_20-30.h5 is valid) But it does error if one block is listed twice (e.g. blocks_1-10.h5; blocks_5-15.h5 is invalid) TODO: think about the above checks, and check for readable datasets as well Parameters ---------- folder : str folder to find conformations in empty_error : bool, optional Raise error if the folder does not exist or has no files, default True read_error : bool, optional Raise error if one of the HDF5 files cannot be read, default True return_dict : bool, optional True: return a dict of {block_number, URI}. False: return a list of URIs. This is a default. """ files = glob.glob(os.path.join(folder, "blocks_*-*.h5")) if len(files) == 0: if empty_error: raise ValueError(f"No files found in folder {folder}") filenames = {} for file in files: try: h5py.File(file, "r") except Exception: if read_error: raise ValueError(f"Cannot read file {file}") sted = os.path.split(file)[-1].split("_")[1].split(".h5")[0] st, end = [int(i) for i in sted.split("-")] for i in range(st, end + 1): if i in filenames: raise ValueError(f"Block {i} exists more than once") filenames[i] = file + f"::{i}" if not return_dict: return [i[1] for i in sorted(filenames.items(), key=lambda x: int(x[0]))] else: return {int(i[0]): i[1] for i in sorted(filenames.items(), key=lambda x: int(x[0]))}
[docs]def load_URI(dset_path): """ Loads a single block of the simulation using address provided by list_filenames dset_path should be /path/to/trajectory/folder/blocks_X-Y.h5::Z where Z is the block number """ fname, group = dset_path.split("::") with h5py.File(fname, mode="r") as myfile: return _read_h5_group(myfile[group])
[docs]def save_hdf5_file(filename, data_dict, dset_opts=None, mode="w"): """ Saves data_dict to filename """ if dset_opts is None: dset_opts = DEFAULT_OPTS with h5py.File(filename, mode=mode) as file: _write_group(data_dict, file, dset_opts=dset_opts)
[docs]def load_hdf5_file(fname): """ Loads a saved HDF5 files, reading all datasets and attributes. We save arrays as datasets, and regular types as attributes in HDF5 """ with h5py.File(fname, mode="r") as myfile: return _read_h5_group(myfile)
[docs]class HDF5Reporter(object):
[docs] def __init__( self, folder, max_data_length=50, h5py_dset_opts=None, overwrite=False, blocks_only=False, check_exists=True, ): """ Creates a reporter object that saves a trajectory to a folder Parameters ---------- folder : str Folder to save data to. max_data_length: int, optional (default=50) Will save data in groups of max_data_length blocks overwrite: bool, optional (default=False) Overwrite an existing trajectory in a folder. check_exists: bool (optional, default=True) Raise an error if previous trajectory exists in the folder blocks_only: bool, optional (default=False) Only save blocks, do not save any other information """ if h5py_dset_opts is None: h5py_dset_opts = DEFAULT_OPTS self.prefixes = [ "blocks", "applied_forces", "initArgs", "starting_conformation", "energy_minimization", "forcekit_polymer_chains", ] # these are used for inferring if a file belongs to a trajectory or not self.counter = {} # initializing all the options and dictionaries self.datas = {} self.max_data_length = max_data_length self.h5py_dset_opts = h5py_dset_opts self.folder = folder self.blocks_only = blocks_only if not os.path.exists(folder): os.mkdir(folder) if overwrite: for the_file in os.listdir(folder): file_path = os.path.join(folder, the_file) if os.path.isfile(file_path): for prefix in self.prefixes: if the_file.startswith(prefix): os.remove(file_path) else: raise IOError( "Subfolder in traj folder; not deleting. Ensure folder is " "correct and delete manually. " ) if check_exists: if len(os.listdir(folder)) != 0: for the_file in os.listdir(folder): for prefix in self.prefixes: if the_file.startswith(prefix): raise RuntimeError(f"folder {folder} is not empty: set check_exists=False to ignore")
[docs] def continue_trajectory(self, continue_from=None, continue_max_delete=5): """ Continues a simulation in a current folder (i.e. continues from the last block, or the block you specify). By default, takes the last block. Otherwise, takes the continue_from block You should initialize the class with "check_exists=False" to continue a simulation NOTE: This funciton does not continue the simulation itself (parameters, bonds, etc.) - it only manages counting the blocks and the saved files. Returns (block_number, data_dict) - you should start a new simulation with data_dict["pos"] Parameters ---------- continue_from: int or None, optional (default=None) Block number to continue a simulation from. Default: last block found continue_max_delete: int (default = 5) Maximum number of blocks to delete if continuing a simulation. It is here to avoid accidentally deleting a lot of blocks. Returns ------- (block_number, data_dict) block_number is a number of a current block data_dict is what load_URI would return on the last block of a trajectory. """ uris = list_URIs(self.folder, return_dict=True) uri_inds = np.array(list(uris.keys())) # making a list of all URIs and filenames uri_vals = np.array(list(uris.values())) uri_fnames = np.array([i.split("::")[0] for i in uris.values()]) if continue_from is None: continue_from = uri_inds[-1] if int(continue_from) not in uris: raise ValueError(f"block {continue_from} not in folder") ind = np.nonzero(uri_inds == continue_from)[0][0] # position of a starting block in arrays newdata = load_URI(uri_vals[ind]) todelete = np.nonzero(uri_inds >= continue_from)[0] if len(todelete) > continue_max_delete: raise ValueError("Refusing to delete {uris_delete} blocks - set continue_max_delete accordingly") fnames_delete = np.unique(uri_fnames[todelete]) inds_tosave = np.nonzero((uri_fnames == uri_fnames[ind]) * (uri_inds <= ind))[0] for saveind in inds_tosave: # we are saving some data and deleting the whole last file self.datas[uri_inds[saveind]] = load_URI(uri_vals[saveind]) self.counter["data"] = ind + 1 files = os.listdir(self.folder) # some heuristics to infer values of counters - not crucial but maybe useful for prefix in self.prefixes: if prefix != "data": myfiles = [i for i in files if i.startswith(prefix)] inds = [] for i in myfiles: try: inds.append(int(i.split("_")[-1].split(".h5")[0])) except Exception: pass self.counter[prefix] = max(inds, default=-1) + 1 for fdelete in fnames_delete: # actually deleting files that we need to delete os.remove(fdelete) if len(self.datas) >= self.max_data_length: self.dump_data() return uri_inds[ind], newdata
[docs] def report(self, name, values): """ Semi-internal method to be called when you need to report something Parameters ---------- name : str Name of what is being reported ("data", "init_args", anything else) values : dict Dict of what to report. Accepted types are np-array-compatible, numbers, strings. No dicts, objects, or what cannot be converted to a np-array of numbers or strings/bytes. """ count = self.counter.get(name, 0) if name not in ["data"]: if not self.blocks_only: filename = f"{name}_{count}.h5" with h5py.File(os.path.join(self.folder, filename), mode="w") as file: _write_group(values, file, dset_opts=self.h5py_dset_opts) else: self.datas[count] = values if len(self.datas) >= self.max_data_length: self.dump_data() self.counter[name] = count + 1
[docs] def dump_data(self): if len(self.datas) > 0: cmin = min(self.datas.keys()) cmax = max(self.datas.keys()) filename = f"blocks_{cmin}-{cmax}.h5" with h5py.File(os.path.join(self.folder, filename), mode="w") as file: for count, values in self.datas.items(): gr = file.create_group(str(count)) _write_group(values, gr, dset_opts=self.h5py_dset_opts) self.datas = {}