Source code for polychrom.simulation

Creating a simulation: Simulation class

Both initialization and running the simulation is done by interacting with an instance
of :py:class:`polychrom.simulation.Simulation` class.

Overall parameters

Overall technical parameters of a simulation are generally initialized in the constructor of the
Simulation class. :py:meth:`polychrom.simulation.Simulation.__init__` . This includes

**Techcnical parameters not affecting the output of simulations**

* Platform (cuda (usually), opencl, or CPU (slow))
* GPU index
* reporter (where to save results): see :py:mod`polychrom.hdf5_reporter`

**Parameters affecting the simulation**

* number of particles
* integrator (we usually use variable Langevin) + error tolerance of integrator
* collision rate
* Whether to use periodic boundary conditions (PBC)
* timestep (if using non-variable integrator)

**Parameters that are changed rarely, but may be useful**

* particle mass, temperature and length scale
* kinetic energy at which to raise an error
* OpenMM precision
* Rounding before saving (default is to 0.01)

Starting conformation is loaded using :meth:`polychrom.simulation.Simulation.set_data` method.
Many tools for creating starting conformations are in :mod:`polychrom.starting_conformations`

Adding forces

**Forces** define the main aspects of a given simulation. Polymer connectivity, confinement, crosslinks,
tethering monomers, etc. are all defined as different forces acting on the particles.

Typicall used forces are listed in :py:mod:`polychrom.forces` module. Forces out of there can be added using
:py:meth:`polychrom.simulation.Simulation.add_force` method.

Forces and their parameters are an essential part of nearly any polymer simulations. Some forces have just a few
paramters (e.g. spherical confinement just needs a radius), while other forces may have lots of parameters and can
define complex structures. For example, harmonidBondForce with a specially-created bond list was used to create a
backbone-plectoneme conformation in Caulobacter simulations (Le et al, Science 2013). Same harmonic bonds that change
over time are used to simulate loop extrusion as in (Fudenberg, 2016).

Some forces need to be added together. Those include forces defining polymer connectivity. Those forces are combined
into **forcekits**. Forcekits are defined in :py:mod:`polychrom.forcekits` module. The only example
of a forcekit for now is defining polymer connectivity using bonds, polymer stiffness, and inter-monomer interaction
("nonbonded force").

Some forces were written for openmm-polymer library and were not fully ported/tested into the polychrom library.
Those forces reside in :py:mod:`polychrom.legacy.forces` module. Some of them can be used as is, and some of them
would need to be copied to your code and potentially conformed to the new style of defining forces. This includes
accepting simulation object as a parameter, and having a ``.name`` attribute.

Defining your own forces

Each force in :py:mod:`polychrom.forces` is a simple function that wraps creation of an openmm force object. Users
can create new forces in the script defining their simulation and add them using add_force method. Good examples of
forces are in :py:mod:`polychrom.forces` - all but harmonic bond force use custom forces, and provide explanations of
why particular energy function was chosen. Description of the module :py:mod:`polychrom.forces` has some important
information about adding new forces.

Running a simulation

To run a simulation, you call :py:meth:`polychrom.simulation.Simulation.doBlock` method in a loop.
Unless specified otherwise, this would save a conformation into a defined reporter. Terminating a
simulation is not necessary; however, terminating a reporter using reporter.dump_data() is needed for
the hdf5 reporter. This all can be viewed in the example script.


from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import logging
import os
import sys
import tempfile
import time
import warnings
from import Iterable
from typing import Optional, Dict
import numpy as np

    import openmm
except Exception:
    import simtk.openmm as openmm

import simtk.unit

from polychrom import forces


# updated manually every now and then
VER_LATEST = "7.7"
VER_DATE = "2022-03-13"

if hasattr(openmm, "__version__"):
    ver_cur = openmm.__version__
    if ver_cur < VER_LATEST:
            f"\n WARNING: you have OpenMM {ver_cur}; {VER_LATEST} is the latest as of {VER_DATE}, "
            "Upgrade is recommended."
        print("to upgrade openmm, run --->  conda install -c conda-forge openmm")
        print("Ideally in a new conda environment")

[docs]class IntegrationFailError(Exception): pass
[docs]class EKExceedsError(Exception): pass
[docs]class Simulation(object): """ This is a base class for creating a Simulation and interacting with it. All general simulation parameters are defined in the constructor. Forces are defined in :py:mod:`polychrom.forces` module, and are added using :py:meth:`polychrom.simulation.Simulation.add_force` method. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ All numbers here are floats. Units specified in a parameter. Parameters ---------- N : int number of particles error_tol : float, optional Error tolerance parameter for variableLangevin integrator Values of around 0.01 are reasonable for a "nice" simulation (i.e. simulation with soft forces etc). Simulations with strong forces may need 0.001 or less OpenMM manual recommends 0.001, but our forces tend to be "softer" than theirs timestep : number timestep in femtoseconds. Mandatory for non-variable integrators. Ignored for variableLangevin integrator. Value of 70-80 are appropriate collision_rate : number collision rate in inverse picoseconds. values of 0.01 or 0.05 are often used. Consult with lab members on values. In brief, equilibrium simulations likely do not care about the exact dynamics you're using, and therefore can be simulated in a "ballistic" dynamics with col_rate of around 0.001-0.01. Dynamical simulations and active simulations may be more sensitive to col_rate, though this is still under discussion/investigation. Johannes converged on using 0.1 for loop extrusion simulations, just to be safe. PBCbox : (float,float,float) or False; default:False Controls periodic boundary conditions If PBCbox is False, do not use periodic boundary conditions If intending to use PBC, then set PBCbox to (x,y,z) where x,y,z are dimensions of the bounding box for PBC GPU : GPU index as a string ("0" for first, "1" for second etc.) Machines with 1 GPU automatically select their GPU. integrator : "langevin", "variableLangevin", "verlet", "variableVerlet", "brownian", or tuple containing Integrator from Openmm class reference and string defining integrator type. For user-defined integrators, specify type "brownian" to avoid checking if kinetic energy exceeds max_Ek. mass : number or np.array Particle mass (default 100 amu) temperature : simtk.units.quantity(units.kelvin), optional Temperature of the simulation. Devault value is 300 K. verbose : bool, optional If True, prints a lot of stuff in the command line. length_scale : float, optional The geometric scaling factor of the system. By default, length_scale=1.0 and harmonic bonds and repulsive forces have the scale of 1 nm. max_Ek: float, optional raise error if kinetic energy in (kT/particle) exceeds this value platform : string, optional Platform to use: CUDA (preferred fast GPU platform) OpenCL (maybe slower GPU platofrm, does not need CUDA installed) CPU (medium speed parallelized CPU platform) reference (slow CPU platform for debug) verbose : bool, optional Shout out loud about every change. precision: str, optional (not recommended to change) single is the default now, because mixed is much slower on 3080 and other new GPUs If you are using double precision, it will be slower by a factor of 10 or so. save_decimals: int or False, optional Round to this number of decimals before saving. ``False`` is no rounding. Default is 2. It gives maximum error of 0.005, which is nearly always harmless but saves up to 40% of storage space (0.6 of the original) Using one decimal is safe most of the time, and reduces storage to 40% of int32. NOTE that using periodic boundary conditions will make storage advantage less. reporters: list, optional List of reporters to use in the simulation. """ default_args = { "platform": "CUDA", "GPU": "0", "integrator": "variablelangevin", "temperature": 300, "PBCbox": False, "length_scale": 1.0, "mass": 100, "reporters": [], "max_Ek": 10, "precision": "single", "save_decimals": 2, "verbose": False, } valid_names = list(default_args.keys()) + [ "N", "error_tol", "collision_rate", "timestep", ] for i in kwargs.keys(): if i not in valid_names: raise ValueError("incorrect argument provided: {0}. Allowed are {1}".format(i, valid_names)) if None in kwargs.values(): raise ValueError("None is not allowed in arguments due to HDF5 incompatiliblity. Use False instead.") default_args.update(kwargs) kwargs = default_args self.kwargs = kwargs platform = kwargs["platform"] self.GPU = kwargs["GPU"] # setting default GPU properties = {} if self.GPU.lower() != "default": if platform.lower() in ["cuda", "opencl"]: properties["DeviceIndex"] = str(self.GPU) properties["Precision"] = kwargs["precision"] = properties if platform.lower() == "opencl": platform_object = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName("OpenCL") elif platform.lower() == "reference": platform_object = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName("Reference") elif platform.lower() == "cuda": platform_object = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName("CUDA") elif platform.lower() == "cpu": platform_object = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName("CPU") else: raise RuntimeError("Undefined platform: {0}".format(platform)) self.platform = platform_object self.temperature = kwargs["temperature"] self.collisionRate = kwargs["collision_rate"] * (1 / simtk.unit.picosecond) self.integrator_type = kwargs["integrator"] if isinstance(self.integrator_type, str): self.integrator_type = str(self.integrator_type) if self.integrator_type.lower() == "langevin": self.integrator = openmm.LangevinIntegrator( self.temperature, kwargs["collision_rate"] * (1 / simtk.unit.picosecond), kwargs["timestep"] * simtk.unit.femtosecond, ) elif self.integrator_type.lower() == "variablelangevin": self.integrator = openmm.VariableLangevinIntegrator( self.temperature, kwargs["collision_rate"] * (1 / simtk.unit.picosecond), kwargs["error_tol"], ) elif self.integrator_type.lower() == "langevinmiddle": self.integrator = openmm.LangevinMiddleIntegrator( self.temperature, kwargs["collision_rate"] * (1 / simtk.unit.picosecond), kwargs["timestep"] * simtk.unit.femtosecond, ) elif self.integrator_type.lower() == "verlet": self.integrator = openmm.VariableVerletIntegrator(kwargs["timestep"] * simtk.unit.femtosecond) elif self.integrator_type.lower() == "variableverlet": self.integrator = openmm.VariableVerletIntegrator(kwargs["error_tol"]) elif self.integrator_type.lower() == "brownian": self.integrator = openmm.BrownianIntegrator( self.temperature, kwargs["collision_rate"] * (1 / simtk.unit.picosecond), kwargs["timestep"] * simtk.unit.femtosecond, ) else:"Using the provided integrator object") integrator, integrator_type = self.integrator_type self.integrator = integrator self.integrator_type = integrator_type kwargs["integrator"] = "user_defined" self.N: int = kwargs["N"] self.verbose: bool = kwargs["verbose"] self.reporters = kwargs["reporters"] self.forces_applied: bool = False self.length_scale: float = kwargs["length_scale"] self.eK_critical: float = kwargs["max_Ek"] # Max allowed kinetic energy self.step: int = 0 self.block: int = 0 self.time: float = 0 self.nm = simtk.unit.nanometer self.kB = simtk.unit.BOLTZMANN_CONSTANT_kB * simtk.unit.AVOGADRO_CONSTANT_NA self.kT = self.kB * self.temperature * simtk.unit.kelvin # thermal energy # All masses are the same, # unless individual mass multipliers are specified in self.load() self.conlen = 1.0 * simtk.unit.nanometer * self.length_scale self.kbondScalingFactor = float( (2 * self.kT / self.conlen**2) / (simtk.unit.kilojoule_per_mole / simtk.unit.nanometer**2) ) self.system: openmm.System = openmm.System() # adding PBC self.PBC: bool = False if kwargs["PBCbox"]: self.PBC = True pbc_box = np.array(kwargs["PBCbox"]) self.system.setDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors( [float(pbc_box[0]), 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, float(pbc_box[1]), 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, float(pbc_box[2])], ) self.force_dict = {} # Dictionary to store forces # saving arguments - not trying to save reporters because they are not serializable kw_copy = {i: j for i, j in kwargs.items() if i != "reporters"} for reporter in self.reporters:"initArgs", kw_copy)
[docs] def get_data(self): """Returns an Nx3 array of positions""" return np.asarray( / simtk.unit.nanometer, dtype=np.float32)
[docs] def get_scaled_data(self): """Returns data, scaled back to PBC box""" if not self.PBC: return self.get_data() alldata = self.get_data() boxsize = np.array(self.kwargs["PBCbox"]) mults = np.floor(alldata / boxsize[None, :]) to_ret = alldata - mults * boxsize[None, :] assert to_ret.min() >= 0 return to_ret
[docs] def set_data(self, data, center=False, random_offset=1e-5, report=True): """Sets particle positions Parameters ---------- data : Nx3 array-like Array of positions center : bool or "zero", optional Move center of mass to zero before starting the simulation if center == "zero", then center the data such as all positions are positive and start at zero random_offset: float or None add random offset to each particle Recommended for integer starting conformations and in general report : bool, optional If set to False, will not report this action to reporters. """ data = np.asarray(data, dtype="float") if len(data) != self.N: raise ValueError(f"length of data, {len(data)} does not match N, {self.N}") if data.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError("Data is not shaped correctly. Needs (N,3), provided: {0}".format(data.shape)) if np.isnan(data).any(): raise ValueError("Data contains NANs") if random_offset: data = data + (np.random.random(data.shape) * 2 - 1) * random_offset if center is True: av = np.mean(data, axis=0) data -= av elif center == "zero": minvalue = np.min(data, axis=0) data -= minvalue = simtk.unit.Quantity(data, simtk.unit.nanometer) if report: for reporter in self.reporters: "starting_conformation", {"pos": data, "time": self.time, "block": self.block}, ) if hasattr(self, "context"): self.init_positions()
[docs] def set_velocities(self, v): """Set initial velocities of particles. Parameters ---------- v : (N, 3) array-like initial x, y, z velocities of the N particles """ v = np.asarray(v, dtype="float") if len(v) != self.N: raise ValueError(f"length of velocity array, {len(v)} does not match N, {self.N}") if v.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError("Data is not shaped correctly. Needs (N,3), provided: {0}".format(v.shape)) if np.isnan(v).any(): raise ValueError("Data contains NANs") self.velocities = simtk.unit.Quantity(v, simtk.unit.nanometer / simtk.unit.picosecond) if hasattr(self, "context"): self.init_velocities()
[docs] def RG(self): """ Returns ------- Gyration ratius in units of length (bondlength). """ data = self.get_scaled_data() data = data - np.mean(data, axis=0)[None, :] return np.sqrt(np.sum(np.var(np.array(data), 0)))
[docs] def dist(self, i, j): """ Calculates distance between particles i and j. Added for convenience, and not for production code. Not for use in large for-loops. """ data = self.get_data() dif = data[i] - data[j] return np.sqrt(sum(dif**2))
[docs] def add_force(self, force): """ Adds a force or a forcekit to the system. """ if isinstance(force, Iterable): for f in force: self.add_force(f) else: if in self.force_dict: raise ValueError("A force named {} was added to the system twice!".format( forces._prepend_force_name_to_params(force) self.force_dict[] = force if self.forces_applied: raise RuntimeError("Cannot add force after the context has been created")
def _apply_forces(self): """ Adds all particles and forces to the system. Then applies all the forces in the forcedict. Forces should not be modified after that, unless you do it carefully (see openmm reference). This method is called automatically when you run energy minimization, or run your first block. On rare occasions, you would need to run it manually, but then you probably know what you're doing. One example when this method is used is a loop extrusion code (extrusion_3d.ipynb). In that case, you restart a simulation, but don't do energy minimization. However, before doing the first block, you just need to advance the integrator. This requires manually creating context/etc which would be normally done by the do_block method. """ if self.forces_applied: return self.masses = np.zeros(self.N, dtype=float) + self.kwargs["mass"] for mass in self.masses: self.system.addParticle(mass) for i in list(self.force_dict.keys()): # Adding forces force = self.force_dict[i] if hasattr(force, "CutoffNonPeriodic") and hasattr(force, "CutoffPeriodic"): if self.PBC: force.setNonbondedMethod(force.CutoffPeriodic)"Using periodic boundary conditions") else: force.setNonbondedMethod(force.CutoffNonPeriodic)"adding force {} {}".format(i, self.system.addForce(self.force_dict[i]))) for reporter in self.reporters: "applied_forces", {i: j.__getstate__() for i, j in self.force_dict.items()}, ) self.context = openmm.Context(self.system, self.integrator, self.platform, self.init_positions() self.init_velocities() self.forces_applied = True
[docs] def initialize(self, **kwargs): """Initialize, particles, velocities for the first time. Only need to use this function if your system has no forces (free Brownian particles). Otherwise _apply_force() will execute these lines to add particles to the system, initialize their positions/velocities, initialize the context. """ self.masses = np.zeros(self.N, dtype=float) + self.kwargs["mass"] for mass in self.masses: self.system.addParticle(mass) self.context = openmm.Context(self.system, self.integrator, self.platform, self.init_positions() self.init_velocities(**kwargs)
[docs] def init_velocities(self, temperature="current"): """Initializes particles velocities Parameters ---------- temperature: temperature to set velocities (default: temerature of the simulation) """ if not hasattr(self, "context"): raise ValueError("No context, cannot set velocs." "Initialize context before that") if hasattr(self, "velocities"): self.context.setVelocities(self.velocities) return if temperature == "current": temperature = self.temperature self.context.setVelocitiesToTemperature(temperature)
[docs] def init_positions(self): """Sends particle coordinates to OpenMM system. If system has exploded, this is used in the code to reset coordinates.""" if not hasattr(self, "context"): raise ValueError("No context, cannot set positions." " Initialize context before that") self.context.setPositions( e_p = self.context.getState(getEnergy=True).getPotentialEnergy() / self.N / self.kT"Particles loaded. Potential energy is %lf" % e_p)
[docs] def reinitialize(self): """Reinitializes the OpenMM context object. This should be called if low-level parameters, such as parameters of forces, have changed """ self.context.reinitialize() self.init_positions() self.init_velocities()
[docs] def local_energy_minimization(self, tolerance=0.3, maxIterations=0, random_offset=0.02): """ A wrapper to the build-in OpenMM Local Energy Minimization See caveat below Parameters ---------- tolerance: float It is something like a value of force below which the minimizer is trying to minimize energy to. see openmm documentation for description Value of 0.3 seems to be fine for most normal forces. maxIterations: int Maximum # of iterations for minimization to do. default: 0 means there is no limit This is relevant especially if your simulation does not have a well-defined energy minimum (e.g. you want to simulate a collapse of a chain in some potential). In that case, if you don't limit energy minimization, it will attempt to do a whole simulation for you. In that case, setting a limit to the # of iterations will just stop energy minimization manually when it reaches this # of iterations. random_offset: float A random offset to introduce after energy minimization. Should ideally make your forces have realistic values. For example, if your stiffest force is polymer bond force with "wiggle_dist" of 0.05, setting this to 0.02 will make separation between monomers realistic, and therefore will make force values realistic. See why do we need it in the caveat below. NOTES ----- If using variable langevin integrator after minimization, a big error may happen in the first timestep. The reason is that enregy minimization makes all the forces basically 0. Variable langevin integrator measures the forces and assumes that they are all small - so it makes the timestep very large, and at the first timestep it overshoots completely and energy goes up a lot. The workaround for now is to randomize positions after energy minimization """"Performing local energy minimization") self._apply_forces() self.state = self.context.getState(getPositions=False, getEnergy=True) eK = self.state.getKineticEnergy() / self.N / self.kT eP = self.state.getPotentialEnergy() / self.N / self.kT locTime = self.state.getTime()"before minimization eK={0}, eP={1}, time={2}".format(eK, eP, locTime)) openmm.LocalEnergyMinimizer.minimize(self.context, tolerance, maxIterations) self.state = self.context.getState(getPositions=True, getEnergy=True) eK = self.state.getKineticEnergy() / self.N / self.kT eP = self.state.getPotentialEnergy() / self.N / self.kT coords = self.state.getPositions(asNumpy=True) = coords self.set_data(self.get_data(), random_offset=random_offset, report=False) for reporter in self.reporters: "energy_minimization", {"pos": self.get_data(), "time": self.time, "block": self.block}, ) locTime = self.state.getTime()"after minimization eK={0}, eP={1}, time={2}".format(eK, eP, locTime))
[docs] def do_block( self, steps=None, check_functions=[], get_velocities=False, save=True, save_extras={}, ): """performs one block of simulations, doing steps timesteps, or steps_per_block if not specified. Parameters ---------- steps : int or None Number of timesteps to perform. increment : bool, optional If true, will not increment `self.block` and `self.steps` counters check_functions: list of functions, optional List of functions to call every block. coordinates are passed to a function. If a function returns False, simulation is stopped. get_velocities: bool, default=False If True, will return velocities save: bool, defualt=True If True, save results of this block save_extras: dict A dict of (key, value) with additional info to save """ if not self.forces_applied: if self.verbose:"applying forces") sys.stdout.flush() self._apply_forces() self.forces_applied = True a = time.time() self.integrator.step(steps) # integrate! self.state = self.context.getState(getPositions=True, getVelocities=get_velocities, getEnergy=True) b = time.time() coords = self.state.getPositions(asNumpy=True) newcoords = coords / simtk.unit.nanometer newcoords = np.array(newcoords, dtype=np.float32) if self.kwargs["save_decimals"] is not False: newcoords = np.round(newcoords, self.kwargs["save_decimals"]) self.time = self.state.getTime() / simtk.unit.picosecond # calculate energies in KT/particle eK = self.state.getKineticEnergy() / self.N / self.kT eP = self.state.getPotentialEnergy() / self.N / self.kT curtime = self.state.getTime() / simtk.unit.picosecond msg = "block %4s " % int(self.block) msg += "pos[1]=[%.1lf %.1lf %.1lf] " % tuple(newcoords[0]) check_fail = False for check_function in check_functions: if not check_function(newcoords): check_fail = True if np.isnan(newcoords).any(): raise IntegrationFailError("Coordinates are NANs") if eK > self.eK_critical and self.integrator_type.lower() != "brownian": raise EKExceedsError("Ek={1} exceeds {0}".format(self.eK_critical, eK)) if (np.isnan(eK)) or (np.isnan(eP)): raise IntegrationFailError("Energy is NAN)") if check_fail: raise IntegrationFailError("Custom checks failed") dif = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.sum((newcoords - self.get_data()) ** 2, axis=1))) msg += "dr=%.2lf " % (dif,) = coords msg += "t=%2.1lfps " % (self.state.getTime() / simtk.unit.picosecond) msg += "kin=%.2lf pot=%.2lf " % (eK, eP) msg += "Rg=%.3lf " % self.RG() msg += "SPS=%.0lf " % (steps / (float(b - a))) if self.integrator_type.lower() == "variablelangevin" or self.integrator_type.lower() == "variableverlet": dt = self.integrator.getStepSize() msg += "dt=%.1lffs " % (dt / simtk.unit.femtosecond) mass = self.system.getParticleMass(0) dx = simtk.unit.sqrt(2.0 * eK * self.kT / mass) * dt msg += "dx=%.2lfpm " % (dx / simtk.unit.nanometer * 1000.0) result = { "pos": newcoords, "potentialEnergy": eP, "kineticEnergy": eK, "time": curtime, "block": self.block, } if get_velocities: result["vel"] = self.state.getVelocities() / (simtk.unit.nanometer / simtk.unit.picosecond) result.update(save_extras) if save: for reporter in self.reporters:"data", result) self.block += 1 self.step += steps return result
[docs] def print_stats(self): """Prints detailed statistics of a system. Will be run every 50 steps """ state = self.context.getState(getPositions=True, getVelocities=True, getEnergy=True) eP = state.getPotentialEnergy() pos = np.array(state.getPositions() / simtk.unit.nanometer) bonds = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(pos, axis=0) ** 2, axis=1)) sbonds = np.sort(bonds) vel = state.getVelocities() mass = self.system.getParticleMass(0) vkT = np.array(vel / simtk.unit.sqrt(self.kT / mass), dtype=float) self.velocs = vkT EkPerParticle = 0.5 * np.sum(vkT**2, axis=1) cm = np.mean(pos, axis=0) centredPos = pos - cm[None, :] dists = np.sqrt(np.sum(centredPos**2, axis=1)) per95 = np.percentile(dists, 95) den = (0.95 * self.N) / ((4.0 * np.pi * per95**3) / 3) per5 = np.percentile(dists, 5) den5 = (0.05 * self.N) / ((4.0 * np.pi * per5**3) / 3) x, y, z = pos[:, 0], pos[:, 1], pos[:, 2] def minmedmax(value): return value.min(), np.median(value), value.mean(), value.max() print("\n Statistics: number of particles: %d\n" % (self.N,)) print("Statistics for particle position") print(" mean position is: ", np.mean(pos, axis=0), " Rg = ", self.RG()) print(" median bond size is ", np.median(bonds)) print( " three shortest/longest (<10)/ bonds are ", sbonds[:3], " ", sbonds[sbonds < 10][-3:], ) if (sbonds > 10).sum() > 0: print("longest 10 bonds are", sbonds[-10:]) print(" 95 percentile of distance to center is: ", per95) print(" density of closest 95% monomers is: ", den) print(" density of the 5% closest to CoM monomers is: ", den5) print(" min/median/mean/max coordinates are: ") print(" x: %.2lf, %.2lf, %.2lf, %.2lf" % minmedmax(x)) print(" y: %.2lf, %.2lf, %.2lf, %.2lf" % minmedmax(y)) print(" z: %.2lf, %.2lf, %.2lf, %.2lf" % minmedmax(z)) print() print("Statistics for velocities:") print(" mean kinetic energy is: ", np.mean(EkPerParticle), "should be:", 1.5) print(" fastest particles are (in kT): ", np.sort(EkPerParticle)[-5:]) print() print("Statistics for the system:") print(" Forces are: ", list(self.force_dict.keys())) print() print("Potential Energy Ep = ", eP / self.N / self.kT)
[docs] def show(self, shifts=[0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8], scale="auto"): """shows system in rasmol by drawing spheres draws 4 spheres in between any two points (5 * N spheres total) """ # if you want to change positions of the spheres along each segment, # change these numbers: e.g. [0,.1, .2 ... .9] will draw 10 spheres, # and this will look better data = self.get_data() if len(data[0]) != 3: data = np.transpose(data) if len(data[0]) != 3: logging.error("wrong data!") return # determining the 95 percentile distance between particles, if scale == "auto": meandist = np.percentile(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(data, axis=0) ** 2, axis=1)), 95) # rescaling the data, so that bonds are of the order of 1. # This is because rasmol spheres are of the fixed diameter. data /= meandist else: data /= scale if self.N > 1000: # system is sufficiently large count = 0 for _ in range(100): a, b = np.random.randint(0, self.N, 2) dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((data[a] - data[b]) ** 2)) if dist < 1.3: count += 1 if count > 100: raise RuntimeError("Too many particles are close together. " "This will cause rasmol to choke") rascript = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() # writing the rasmol script. Spacefill controls radius of the sphere. rascript.write( b"""wireframe off color temperature spacefill 100 background white """ ) rascript.flush() # creating the array, linearly chanhing from -225 to 225 # to serve as an array of colors colors = np.array([int((j * 450.0) / (len(data))) - 225 for j in range(len(data))]) # creating spheres along the trajectory newData = np.zeros((len(data) * len(shifts) - (len(shifts) - 1), 4)) for i in range(len(shifts)): newData[i : -1 : len(shifts), :3] = data[:-1] * shifts[i] + data[1:] * (1 - shifts[i]) newData[i : -1 : len(shifts), 3] = colors[:-1] newData[-1, :3] = data[-1] newData[-1, 3] = colors[-1] towrite = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() towrite.write(("{:d}\n\n".format(int(len(newData))).encode("utf-8"))) # number of atoms and a blank line after is a requirement of rasmol for i in newData: towrite.write(("CA\t{:f}\t{:f}\t{:f}\t{:d}\n".format(i[0], i[1], i[2], int(i[3]))).encode("utf-8")) towrite.flush() "TODO: rewrite using subprocess.popen" if == "posix": # if linux os.system("rasmol -xyz %s -script %s" % (, else: # if windows os.system("C:/RasWin/raswin.exe -xyz %s -script %s" % (, rascript.close() towrite.close()